Marine Surveyor
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Tire Recycling
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Agricultural Commodity
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Residential Water
Service Provider
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Digital Automation
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Exceptional companies are distinguished not just by what they do, but by how they do it. The owners and leaders of exceptional companies take a measure of pride in their work that seeps into every level of the organization. Our goal is to ensure that this exceptionalism continues.

Every company encounters pivotal moments when changes in ownership, leadership, or strategy determine the trajectory for the future of the organization. We invest in companies and help them navigate these crucible transitions so they can realize the full potential of the opportunity they are pursuing.

Our Approach
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We're in the business of
honoring legacies

Selling your business isn’t just a transaction. It’s the culmination of your life’s work. You’re looking for the right partner to trust with your relationships and legacy.

Our Approach
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We measure success over
decades, not years

You started your business with no end in mind and made investments that took years to mature. You built trust and relationships one interaction at a time. We share that mindset: long-term ownership and a focus on what a company will become in 30 years, not three.

Our Approach
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We're driven by values,
not just valuations

Companies are collections of people brought together to achieve a common purpose. People whose lives comprise feelings, friendships, and families that all depend on your business. Your company isn’t just a financial asset. It’s the cornerstone of a community. We treat it that way.

Our Promise

We understand the importance of what you've built and promise to uphold it with the integrity, respect, and passion it deserves.

Message from the Partners

We believe that family and founder-led companies are the bedrock of their communities. We exist to help these firms prosper and contribute to the success of their employees, customers, and communities.

Tim Ludwig
Message from the Partners

We draw inspiration from the world’s best family companies. We focus on the long-term. We prioritize the people. And we aim to continuously reinvest for growth. We're planting the seeds for the next generation of long-term family companies and want to make our partners proud.

Justin Burris
Message from the Partners

At our firm, adding value isn't just a goal - it's a core principle. We're dedicated to supporting growth in every partnership we forge. We're fully aligned with our partners' success and want to pick up an oar and help them row.

Mike Botkin